Black Hearted Fox

Nestled in the heart of Durango, CO, there’s a solitary artist who’s been quietly crafting their own brand of musical magic. Meet Black Hearted Fox, a solo sensation that effortlessly weaves the twang of country and the raw authenticity of folk into a sonic tapestry all their own. With an evocative sound that harkens back to the soulful troubadours of yesteryears, Black Hearted Fox draws inspiration from the rich storytelling traditions of the Southwest. Their songs, like desert whispers carried by the wind, capture the essence of the land and its people, making them a beloved fixture in the regional music scene.


  • EP Release: Tail of the Fox

    EP Release: Tail of the Fox

    Black Hearted Fox is pleased to announce the release of it’s first short album, “Tail of the Fox” on all streaming channels. The four-song album contains original folks songs written over the last year and is the first release for the project. Largely the work was produced by Durango-based musician John Reeve, though “Long Way…

  • Welcome to the site

    Welcome to the site

    Black Hearted Fox is the culmination of my many years of work as a musician and songwriter. It is the most recent version of me trying to get the 100 or so song’s I’ve written over the years organized into a coherent form so I can perform them for people. There has always been a…